얄리와 함께 하는 영양이야기
“토마토 백배 즐기기”
• 토마토는 과일이다. 열매를 맺는 식물은 과일로 정의하나 미국에서는 상업, 통상적 분류로 야채라고 한다.
• "토마토에는 카로틴이 적고 황산화물인 리코핀이 많다. 고기나 생선 등의 기름진 음식을 먹을 대 토마토를 곁들이면 위속에서 소화를 촉진시키고 위의 부담을 가볍게하며 산성식품을 중화시키는 역할을 해주는데 이것은 리코핀 때문이라고 알려져 있다. 토마토 퓌레 Puree (죽 같이 부드러운 유동식) 또는 토마토소스를 만들면 오래보존가능하다."
- 가정원예정보 제공
• "토마토에는 푸린 Purine (염기성 유전인자 성분중의 하나) 이 들어 있어서 혈관을 튼튼하게 하고 혈압을 내리는 역할을 하기 때문에 고혈압, 동맥경화에 좋다. 토마토쥬스가 환자에게 좋은 이유는 유기산이 적어 자극성이 적은데다가 영양가가 우수하고 소화성이 좋기 때문이다." - 가정원예정보 제공
토마토의 역사 (로빈슨):
• “우리나라는 1613년(광해군 5년)에 '이수광'에 의해 편저 간행된 「지봉유설」에 남만시라는 기록이 있고 토마토의 도입은 선조, 광해군 연간의 일로 추정되고 있다.” - 가정원예정보 제공
• 토마토는 남미에 안데스 산맥의 건조한 지대에서 야생으로 자라던 것인데, 1519년 스페인 정복자 코르테스라는 사람이 유카탄 반도를 지나다가 마야인들이 토마토를 먹는것을 알게 되었다.
• 그가 유럽으로 가져와서 재배하여 스페인, 이태리, 프랑스 등에서도 재배되기 시작하였다.
• 미국의 토마스 제퍼슨이 프랑스를 여행하다가 토마토를 가져와서 미국에도 소개되었다.
토마토는 왜 우리몸에 좋은가? (로빈슨):
• 리코핀 Lycopene 이라는 토마토와 수박에 들은 빨간색소는 항암예방에 도움이 된다. "토마토나 수박 등에 함유되어 있는 붉은 색소인 리코핀(Lycopene)이 신장암의 예방에 유용한 것으로 보인다는 새로운 연구 결과가 나왔다. 리코핀을 많이 섭취하는 것은 신장암의 일종인 신세포암(Renal cell carcinoma, or RCC)의 발병 리스크를 40%나 경감하는 것으로 10만 명 가까운 여성을 포함한 연구에서 밝혀졌다." - 해외건강관련 소식 웹사이트
• 야생 토마토는 엄지손가락 정도로 작다. 덤불속에 숨어져 있는 야생 토마토는 영양가가 매우 많다. (페루로 여행하게 되면 가이드에게 토마토가 자라는 야산에 데려다 달라고 하여서 함 보길.. 기회가 되길 바람).
• 이런 야생종의 조그만 토마토를 크게 재배하여서 상용화되었다.
• 그러나, 작고 진한 빨강 색일수록 라이코펜 함량이 많다. 캔에 들은 토마토의 리코펜 함양은 신선한 토마토보다 더 많다. 한가지 염려는 캔에 들은 음식은 대체로 소금이나 기타 방부제를 많이 넣는다는 것이다.
• 열을 오래 가하면 가할수록 그 함량이 많아진다. 그 이유는 첫째, 토마토의 세포벽을 파열시켜서 영양분의 생체이용률을 높이기 때문이다. 둘째, 열이 Lycopene 분자를 꼬아서 몸에 흡수가 잘되는 새로운 화학배열을 바꾼다.
Tomato Salsa Recipe (로빈슨):
조리시간 - 15 분, 분량 - 2 컵
체리, 포도, 방울토마토 (2 컵) 450그램
잘게 자른 파 1/2 컵,
라임이나 레몬 즙 3 큰스푼
가늘게 자른 실란트로 잎 1/2 컵
풋고추 한개를 씨를 발라내고 가늘게 잘라냄. 5미리 정도 사방이 되게.
마늘 한 쪽을 간것
소금 1/4 작은 스푼
잘게 자른 아보카도 1/3 컵
1. 토마토를 잘 씻어서 잎사귀나 줄기를 없앤다.
2. 푸드 프로세서나 블렌더에 이것 (1)을 넣고 여러번 섞어서 사방크기가 5미리 될때까지 자른다.
3, 토마토를 작은 그롯에 옮겨 놓고 (스테인레스나 유리그릇에 놓음) 나머지 재료를 넣고 모두가 섞일때까지 저어준다.
4. 실온상태나 차갑게 해서 먹는다.
5. 냉장고에 보관한다.
살사를 콘칩에 찍어서 맛있게 먹어!! 너무 짜게 하지 말고.
가정원예정보, www.koreaon.com, 2015. 5. 13
해외건강관련소식, http://www.clinic.co.kr/bbs/note/note_view.asp?num=2066, 2015. 5.13
야생식물 먹기, 조 로빈슨 저, 2013
Nutrition & Health Sharing by Yali
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Root Crops 1 비트 백배 즐기기
비트 요리법
"뉴욕에서 만나요" 다음 카페에 올려놓은 요리법이에요.
야채를 젤로 영양가 있게 먹는 방법이 발효식품이래요. 그 다음이 생으로 먹는거고요. 예외는 당근은 삶아야 그 영양소가 활성화 된다고 하죠.
김치는 자연적으로 발효가 되어서 유산균이 나오지만 빨리 신맛을 내고 싶으면 초물을 끓여서 부었다가 며칠뒤에 먹으면 참 맛있겠다. 비트를 가지고 양파, 마늘처럼 이렇게 살짝 데쳐서 식초에 절여서 비트 초절임을 만들면 아주 맛있어요. 신맛은 박테리아가 싫어하는 맛이에요. 박테리아는 단맛을 좋아한답니다. 그래서 시게 먹는게 면역에 좋아요.
저장법: 잎사귀가 달린 비트를 사서 알뿌리채랑 잎파리를 잘라서 분류해 놓는다. 잎사귀는 빨리 상할수가 있기때문에 씻어서 바로 요리하거나 오래 저장하고 싶으면 씻어서 그 물기를 다 닦아내고 바늘구멍을 송송 낸 (대략 20개 정도) 비닐봉투에 저장하고 되도록 하루안에 다 소비한다.
요리법: 잎파리는 씻어서 따로 살짝 데치거나 볶아서 먹는다. 잎사귀에 더 많은 영양가와 항산화제가 많다. 비트 알뿌리는 토마토 보다 당근보다 그 영양가와 항산화성분이 더 많다.
비트 알뿌리는 잘게 잘라서 식초, 설탕, 소금을 넣고 끓인물에 절여서 두 시간 놔두었다가 냉장고에 보관한다.
이게 바로 비트 초절임입니다. 양파초절임 하는 식으로 하면 되어요.
Brown, Jo (2013), Eating on the Wild Side, Little Brown And Company, New York, NY, 122-125.
Thursday, April 30, 2015
감자에 관한 조언 (Eating on the Wild Side에서 따옴)
얄리의 영양과 건강이야기
첫째이야기, "감자 잘먹기"
우리가 좋아하는 감자 있잖아. 그것도 잘 골르고 저장하고 제대로 조리해 먹으면 몸에 좋단다. 감자가 전분이 많아서 혈당을 높인다고 하잖아. 그렇지만 색깔있는 감자를 (보라, 검정, 빨강 등, 한국에서 도 구할 수 있는지는 모름) 사서 삶기보다는 오븐에 굽거나 살짝 볶거나 좋은 기름으로 튀겨 먹는게 몸에 좋데. 잘 알다시피 껍질에 있는 식이섬유가 몸에 좋지. 최근 야생음식 먹기 (Eating on the wild side) 라는 책을 읽고 있어. 지은이는 조 로빈슨인데 국내에서 그녀의 작품이, 바디블루스 (심리치료에 관한 책, 절판됨) 가 번역되어있어.
오염되지않고 기름진 땅에서 자란 야생식물에 많은 영양분과 항산화제와 몸에 좋은 화학물 (파이토케미컬*)등이 많단다. 생리적으로 사람들은 단것을 좋아해서 그런 종자가 많이 개발되었지만 씁스르하고 신음식이 몸에는 더 좋다. 우리 조상들이 산에서 캔 산나물을 줄기째 뿌리째 요리해서 먹었다는 것은 얼마나 우리 식생활문화가 높았다는것을 알게 해준다. 우리뿐만 아니라 아프리카, 남미, 미국인디언등은 제대로 먹고 사는것을 안 사람들이었어. 그래서 인류의 조상들이 장수하였다고 해.
감자에 관한 몇가지 조언은 다음과 같다.
1. 진한 색깔 즉 자주, 검정, 빨강색 등의 감자를 골라라. 어떤 감자는 속도 자주빛이거나 검정색이야. 자연색소에는 항산화제랑 몸에 좋은 화학물질 (파이토케미컬)이 많이 들어있다고 하잖아. 우리는 보통 노란감자를 주로 먹는데 시장에서 이런 알록달록한 감자를 보면 한 번 사서 먹어봐.
2. 껍질째 먹기. 항산화제 활동의 절반이 껍질에 있단다. 껍질에 많은 식이섬유는 전분과 당분의 소화를 늦춰추어서 포도당전환수치 (glycemic index)를 낮춘다. 껍질은 배변활동을 도와서 비만예방에도 좋고.
3. 일반슈퍼외에도 유기농장이나 재래시장 유기농슈퍼 (한살림 등) 생협등에서 감자를 구입한다. 거기에 가면 다양한 종류의 감자가 있거든
4. 농약오염도가 낮은 유기농감자를 산다. 아무리 껍질을 싹싹 씻거나 그 껍질을 벗겨 먹어도 농약은 여전히 잔류한다. 특히, 껍질까지 먹는다면 유기농 감자를 사라.
5. 감자를 환기가 잘되는 어둡고 선선한 곳에 보관한다. 냉장고에 보관하는 경우는 일주일내지 이주안에 먹는다. 어떤 종류는 냉장고 밖에 보관하지만 섭씨 7~10도 온도를 유지한다. 통풍이 잘되게 하기 위하여 조금 개봉된 종이봉투나 손가락 만큼의 구멍이 여기 저기에 난 박스에 넣어서 보관한다.
6. 오래된 감자와 달리 갓 재배한 감자는 혈당을 놓이지 않는다. 껍질째 먹는것외에 혈당을 낯추기위한 방법으로는 (1) 조리할때 기름을 사용하거나, (2) 감자를 익히고 24시간 정도 식혔다가 먹거나, (3) 식초를 쳐서 먹는것이 좋단다.
이상은 내가 편역한거고 이하는 중앙일보 전자판에서 인용한거야.
* 파이토케미컬이란?
"과일·채소 등 식물은 왜 고유의 색을 지닐까? 색깔(색소)은 식물이 자외선으로부터 자신을 보호하고, 세균·바이러스·곰팡이 등과 싸우는 무기다. 식물의 색소는 햇볕을 쬔 날이 많을수록 더 짙어진다. 일교차가 클수록 더 선명해진다. 주변의 자연조건이 가혹할 때 더 많은 화학물질을 만들어 낸다. 이 화학물질이 바로 파이토케미컬(phytochemicals. 식물성 생리활성물질)이다. 파이토케미컬은 지방·단백질·비타민 같은 필수 영양소는 아니다. 식물이 자신을 지키기 위해 만들어 낸 물질이나 인간의 건강에도 유익하다. 지난달 28일 대전 컨벤션센터에서 열린 한국식품과학회(회장 세종대 경규항 교수) 76차 학술발표회에선 ‘파이토케미컬 국제심포지엄’이 개최됐다."
Friday, May 23, 2014
The Five Worst Nutrition Advice and its truth
I learned fundamental nutrition advice from a medical student who wrote an article at Eat Local Grown website. I understand that the conclusion of this article is to eat balanced meals with fat, oils, and proteins, carbs. As long as you serve balanced and moderate meals, you can be healthy. I don't have any egg allergy so I rarely get rid of egg yolk but I try to consume less than three times a week. In addition, I never use margarine. However, I should not use too much vegetable oils for cooking. Anyway, if you over-consume one food, you will get a health problem.
1. Throw Away The Egg Yolks, The Most Nutritious Part of The Egg
Eggs are among the most nutritious foods on the planet.
Just think about it… the nutrients in a whole egg contain all the building blocks needed to turn a single fertilized cell into an entire baby chicken.
There’s only one problem… the yolks also happen to be high in cholesterol.
Because egg yolks are high in cholesterol, people believed that they would raise cholesterol in the blood. For this reason, mainstream nutrition professionals often recommend that we limit our egg consumption to 2-6 whole eggs per week.
However, most of them say we can eat more eggs than that… as long as we make sure to throw away the yolks.
This is pretty much the worst thing you could do, because the yolks contain almost all the nutrients. The whites are mostly just protein.
Many studies have looked at whole egg consumption and blood cholesterol… in 70% of people, eggs have no effect on cholesterol levels (1).
In the other 30% (termed hyper-responders), egg yolks raise HDL (the good) cholesterol and turn the LDL particles into the large, fluffy kind… which is not harmful (2, 3, 4).
I fact, many studies, some of which included hundreds of thousands of people, have looked at whole egg consumption and the risk of heart disease in healthy people and found no association between the two (5, 6, 7).
Additionally, let’s not forget that eggs have many amazing benefits.
- They’re loaded with high quality protein, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants… almost every nutrient your body needs (8).
- They’re very high in choline, a brain nutrient that 90% of people don’t get enough of (9).
- They contain Lutein and Zeaxanthin, powerful antioxidants that are highly protective for the eyes, lowering the risk of various eye diseases (10, 11, 12).
Eggs are also among the most weight loss friendly foods you can eat. Replacing a grain-based breakfast with eggs can increase fullness and make you eat less, helping you lose weight (13, 14).
To top it all off, eggs are cheap, easily prepared and taste amazing.
Really… whole eggs are pretty much nature’s perfect food. Throwing away the yolk is the absolute worst thing you could do.
Bottom Line: Egg yolks are among the most nutritious foods on the planet. The cholesterol in them doesn’t raise the bad cholesterol in the blood, or increase the risk of heart disease.
2. Everyone Should Eat a Low-Fat, High-Carb Diet… Even Diabetics
The universal advice to eat a low-fat diet was never based on good science.
It was originally based on a few poorly conducted observational studies, animal experiments and misguided political decisions.
Even though there was no evidence that saturated fat caused heart disease at the time (and still isn’t), some scientists were convinced that it was harmful and that a low-fat diet would prevent heart disease.
This has been the official position of the governments and mainstream health organizations around the world for decades. At the same time, rates of obesity and type 2 diabetes have skyrocketed.
Since then… many massive studies have been conducted on the low-fat diet.
The biggest and most expensive diet study in history, The Women’s Health Initiative, randomized 48,835 women into groups… one ate a low-fat diet, the other group continued eating the standard Western diet.
After 7.5-8 years, there was only a 0.4 kg (1 pound!) difference in weight and there was no reduction in heart disease or cancer (15, 16, 17, 18).
Many other studies have led to the same conclusion… the diet that is still being recommended by the mainstream simply does not work (19, 20).
The truth is, the low-fat diet is a miserable failure. Almost every time it is pitted against another type of diet in a study, it loses (21, 22).
Even diabetics have been advised to follow this type of diet… the “carb up and shoot up” strategy that benefits no one but the drug companies.
It is a simple biochemical fact that carbs raise blood sugar. This keeps the diabetic patients dependant on blood sugar lowering drugs (23).
Although low-fat diets may be okay for healthy people, they are a complete disaster for people with obesity, metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.
In fact, several studies show that low-fat diets can adversely affect some of the key risk factors for metabolic syndrome and heart disease. They can raise triglycerides, lower HDL and increase small, dense LDL particles (24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29).
It is time for the mainstream to retire the ridiculous low-fat fad and apologize for all the terrible damage it has done over the decades.
Bottom Line: The low-fat diet is a miserable failure. It has failed in every major study, yet is still being recommended by governments and nutrition organizations all over the world.
3. A Calorie is a Calorie… Food Quality is Less Important
The excessive focus on calories is one of the biggest mistakes in the history of nutrition.
It is the myth that it is the caloric value of foods that matters most, not the foods that the calories are coming from.
The truth is… calories are important, but that doesn’t mean we need to count them or even be consciously aware of them. Humans were the healthiest and leanest way before they knew that calories existed.
It’s important to realize that different foods have different effects on the hormones and brain centers that control what, when and how much we eat… as well as the number of calories we burn (30, 31).
Here are two examples of why a calorie is NOT a calorie:
- Protein: Eating a high protein diet can boost metabolism by 80-100 calories per day and significantly reduce appetite and cravings. Protein calories have a different effect than carb or fat calories (32, 33, 34).
- Satiety: Many studies show that different foods have varying effects on feelings of fullness. You need much fewer calories to feel full from eggs or boiled potatoes, compared to donuts or ice cream (35).
There are many more examples of foods and macronutrients having vastly different effects on hunger and hormones.
The myth that calories are all that matters for weight (and health) is completely wrong.
Bottom Line: The idea that calories are more important than food quality is a huge mistake. Different foods directly affect the hormones and brain centers that control our eating habits.
4. Use Polyunsaturated Vegetable Oils For Cooking
We are commonly advised to consume seed- and vegetable oils that are high in polyunsaturated fats.
These oils, including soybean, corn, canola and cottonseed oils, have been shown in some studies to lower cholesterol levels.
However… if something lowers cholesterol, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it will prevent heart disease itself.
Cholesterol is a risk factor, but it’s the hard end points (like heart attacks and death) that really matter.
There are actually a number of studies showing that despite lowering cholesterol, these oils can increase the risk of heart disease (36, 37).
Additionally, these oils are harmful for a number of other reasons.
They’re loaded with polyunsaturated fats… but most of them are Omega-6s.
Humans need to eat Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids in a certain balance, which is currently way off because people are eating so much of these oils (38).
Eating a diet high Omega-6s and low in Omega-3s can contribute to inflammation in the body, but inflammation is one of the key drivers of almost every chronic, Western disease (39, 40).
These fatty acids also get incorporated into cell membranes, but polyunsaturated fats can react with oxygen and start free radical chain reactions in the cell membranes, which can damage important molecules like proteins or DNA (41, 42).
Additionally… what most people don’t realize is that due to the way these oils are processed (which involves high heat and the toxic solvent hexane), they are loaded with trans fats.
In fact, a study on canola and soybean oils sold in the U.S. found that 0.56 to 4.2% of the fatty acids in them were trans fats (43)!
Many so-called “experts” are actually telling people to cook with these oils… which is a terrible idea because polyunsaturated fats are sensitive to heat and damage very easily (44).
Bottom Line: People have been advised to consume oils that are loaded with Omega-6 fatty acids and trans fats. These oils are very harmful, yet still being recommended by many mainstream nutrition professionals.
5. Replace Natural Butter With Processed, Trans Fat Laden Margarine
Mainstream nutrition has gotten many things wrong.
However… the horrible advice to replace natural butter with processed margarine may be the worst.
Seriously… just look at the ingredients list for margarine.
This stuff isn’t food, it’s a combination of chemicals that looks and tastes like food.
The same can be said about vegetable oils… multiple studies show that they contribute to heart disease and kill people (46, 47).
The studies say that these processed fats and oils increase heart disease risk, so it makes sense that we should avoid them if we don’t want to get heart disease.
It’s a no-brainer, right?
Well, apparently not… the mainstream nutrition organizations are still telling us to eat them, even though these studies have been out for many years.
They just don’t get it. When we replace traditional foods like butter and meat with processed pseudo-foods, we become fat and sick.
How many doctors, nutritionists, PhDs and decades of work does it take to figure that out?
Kris Gunnars is a medical student, personal trainer and someone who has spent years reading books, blogs and research studies on health and nutrition. Kris believes that there is an immense amount of evidence that runs completely contradictory to what the governments and dietitians around the world are recommending. Since starting medical school and becoming a personal trainer, he's learned that the textbooks on nutrition that our future doctors and health authorities read are based on that same faulty or nonexistent evidence. Kris' goal is change that!
For more from Kris- Subscribe to Free Updates from his website or click the links above to follow him on Facebook or Twitter.
For more from Kris- Subscribe to Free Updates from his website or click the links above to follow him on Facebook or Twitter.
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This article is for informational purposes only, and is educational in nature. Statements made here have not been evaluated by the FDA. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please discuss with your own, qualified health care provider before adding in supplements or making any changes in your diet.
Thursday, March 27, 2014
National Nutrition Month Trivia!!
Let's start Trivia to celebrate National Nutrition Month, which is organized by Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics to promote public health in the United States. Don't sweat for this. This is to review our knowledge of nutrition and to increase awareness of health and nutrition.
1. What
are the main nutrients for your energy source?
Carbohydrates b. Protein c. Fat d. all
of them
True or false:
Eating a complete breakfast is linked to working more quickly and
efficiently on your game days.
They were
practice questions. Now we are
going to do real Trivia!!
2. What
is (are) good food for diabetic people should eat every day?
a. Oatmeal b. whole
wheat bread c. Potatoes d. Fruits
f. Broccoli e. all of them
3. What
is the main food you should avoid for diabetes?
Give me two
examples of food.
4. What
is the main nutrient for recovering your wounds and other diseases?
a. Protein b.
Carbohydrates c. Fat d.
5. What
are the food for protein?
6. What
kind of food should you have for
maintaining a healthy heart?
a. Fried chicken b. Pretzel with salt c. Lots
of vegetables
What kind of
food do you think good for maintaining a healthy heart?
7. Which of
these fat sources has no cholesterol?
A) Animal B)
Vegetable C)
8. What kind of food should you avoid to
maintain a healthy range of cholesterol?
9. Vitamin
C is important for which of the following.
1) Growth
and repair of all body tissues
2) Keeps
teeth and gums healthy
3) Both
statements are true
10. What is the name
of the label you can see on the packaged food showing nutrition
Answers are as below:
1. d. all
of them; True
2. e. all of them
3. Sugar and fat; Candies,
chocolate, French fry, hamburgers
4. a. Protein
5. Beans, peas,
meats and fish, eggs, milks, and yogurt.
6. Lots
of vegetables; Low salt
food, Vegetables and fruits, skim milk
7. B)
8. Fried chicken, whole milk, tuna salad
9. 3) Both
statements are true
10. Nutrition facts
label or food label.
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