Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Nutrition Fact or Myth Game

Nutrition Fact or Fiction Game?

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics made an interesting game about Fact or Fiction on nutrition.

There are 10 questions and now you can check your nutrition literacy!

1.  In a healthy eating plan, all the foods I eat should be low in fat  (Fact or Fiction).

2.  Snacking may keep me from becoming ravenously hungry and overeating at mealtime (Fact or Fiction).

3.  Eating too many carbohydrates causes weight gain (Fact or Fiction).

4.  Vegetarian diets are healthful (Fact or Fiction).

5.  Eating sugar causes diabetes (Fact or Fiction).

6.  FAD diets work (Fact or Fiction).

7.  Frozen or canned fruits and vegetables are not as nutritious as fresh (Fact or Fiction).

8.  It's easy to spot whole-grain food products:  They're brown (Fact or Fiction).

9.  I should limit my daily salt intake to about one teaspoon (Fact or Fiction).

10.  I'll gain about 10 pounds a year by eating an extra 100 calories a day (Fact or Fiction).

You can click the below to find answers and explanations

Have a happy and nutrition evening!

From your nutritionist Yali.

1 comment:

  1. Answers:
    1. Fiction
    2. Fact
    3. Fiction
    4. Fact
    5. Fiction
    6. Fact
    7. Fiction
    8. Fiction
    9. Fact
    10. Fact
